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Reports can be filed by the alleged victim or a third party who is aware of allegations of sexual violence or sex harassment, 包括其他学生或学院员工. 报告应提交给指定的学院管理人员和/或负责学生服务的员工之一, 如下:

  • President
  • 副总统
  • 院长(学术项目和学生)
  • 学院第九章协调员和指定人员(联系信息如下)
  • 住房/体育菠菜大平台工作人员包括:主任, Managers, 董事助理, 社区协调员, 高级宿舍顾问, 宿舍顾问
  • 教练和助理教练
  • 校园保安:308-432-6037

Reports to the above designated administrators or employees will constitute “notice” to the College for the purposes of considering an investigation and institutional response in conjunction with the Title IX Coordinator. College employees (even medical or mental health professionals identified below) are required by law to report any allegations of sexual abuse or assault of a minor to either 执法 or the Department of Health and Human Services. Exception Regarding Employee Reporting: The law recognizes and protects the confidentiality of communications between a person seeking care and a medical or mental health professional. Medical or mental health professionals employed by the Colleges (Licensed Student Counselors and Nurses) respect and protect confidential communications from students, faculty, 在法律允许的范围内,员工也可以这样做. 员工可能不得不违背信任, however, 当他们认为任何人或财产受到直接和严重的威胁时.

查德隆警察局: The College encourages individuals to file a report with the Nemaha County Sheriff’s Department in the event of sexual violence or sex harassment. 根据您的要求,校园保安人员或学院员工可以陪同您进行报告.

CSC第九条办公室: Students are encouraged to report any incidents of sexual violence and sex harassment to Title IX Coordinator Morgan Cullan by emailing titleixcoordinator@gestiflota.com 或致电308-430-0980.

匿名:学院为所有违反秘鲁州立学院政策的行为提供匿名举报网站,包括性侵犯, rape, stalking, 关系暴力和性骚扰. 如果有潜在的违反第九条的报告, 本报告将送交第九条协调员进行调查和跟进, 所有其他违反政策的报告将由菠菜大平台导航主任审查.  请注意, 通过匿名举报, 所提供信息的限制可能会妨碍学院完成彻底的调查.



学院理解性暴力或性骚扰指控中固有的隐私问题. 保护学生的隐私权, 学生姓名或其他身份信息, 尤指包含在书面文件和笔记中的内容, will only be disclosed to third parties if; (a) prior written permission is given by the student concerned; (b) the disclosure is necessary to conduct an investigation; (c) the disclosure is necessary to pursue disciplinary action; or, (d)法律另有要求披露的.

Victims will be informed that the College has a legal duty to include information about reports of criminal sexual misconduct in annual security report statistics which do not identify either the person claiming to have been subject to criminal sexual misconduct 或者被指控的犯罪者.

如果指称的受害者未满十八(18)岁, the college will obtain consent from the parents or guardians prior to beginning an investigation or disclosing information, 除非法律另有规定. 如果指称的受害者要求保密, 要求不追究该报告, 或拒绝参与调查或纪律处分程序, 学院将会记录这份申请. 学院将采取合理措施调查并回应符合此类要求的报告, 如果可能的话. Requests will be evaluated and weighed against the College’s responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment.


董事会政策中描述的流程和程序 3100 and 3200 可以在性暴力或性骚扰调查之后使用,以解决学生不当行为的案件, 正当程序和纪律. 如果被指控的肇事者是员工, 其他董事会政策或集体谈判协议将决定适当的程序步骤和纪律后果.

纪律处分可能包括, 但不限于:警告, 留校察看, 失去特权, 归还, 补救工作分配, 补习教育要求, 服务需求, 补救行为要求, 书院宿舍搬迁, 学院房屋暂停供应, 搬离学院宿舍, 悬架, 和驱逐.


应告知指称的受害者,可以在提供医疗服务的同时收集物证, but that medical evidence for a criminal prosecution cannot be collected without a report being made to local 执法. 对于可以保存的重要物证,学生做出明智的决定是很重要的. While students are not required to notify 执法 authorities regarding a report of sexual violence or sex harassment, 仍然需要向校园安全部门提交报告,告知他们可能发生了暴力行为. 校园安全应通知第九条协调员, 谁负责协调学院对性暴力和性骚扰报告的回应. 根据联邦法律, 学院有记录和报告性暴力和性骚扰事件的法律责任.

无论执法当局是否选择起诉所举报的犯罪行为, the college can pursue formal disciplinary action against a student or employee alleged to have committed sexual violence or sex harassment.


Chadron, NE 69337

P.O. Box 10
秘鲁,ne68421 -0010



注意:虽然这个政策和程序主要是为了学生的利益而写的, 同样的程序也应适用于举报性暴力或性骚扰的个人, 或者被指控的犯罪者, 不是学生. Similarly, while the procedures assume that the incident occurred on or near college property or at an official College function or activity, some of these procedures may also apply if an alleged incident occurs off-campus or in a setting unrelated to college functions/activities.

1)初步报告可以通过电话、电子邮件、书面或亲自进行. When an initial report of sexual violence or sex harassment is received by any designated administrator or employee (listed in this Policy under “Reporting”), 初步报告应尽快与第九条协调员共享.


  • 提出问题,以便更了解事件的性质;
  • 解释保密和报告要求;
  • 解释调查程序、执法方案和可能的后果;
  • To provide information about resources that are available to the individual; and,
  • 询问声称的受害者是否希望通过调查来追查报告. (如指称受害人要求保密, 或要求不追究该报告, the College will take all reasonable steps to investigate and respond to the report consistent with the request for confidentiality or request not to pursue an investigation, 如果可能的话. The request will be evaluated and weighed against the College’s responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment.)

3)第九条协调员或指定人员, 在与国家安全局总法律顾问协商后, 将决定是否展开调查.

4)是否进行调查, the Title IX Coordinator or designee will immediately begin an investigation and will take steps to complete the investigation within sixty (60) business days after receipt of the report, 如果可能的话. 学院致力于对性暴力或性骚扰的报告进行全面和公正的调查, 包括双方提供证人和其他证据的机会. 调查将尽快展开, 但调查的复杂性, 骚扰的严重性和程度, 或者参与各方的数量会影响持续时间. 调查应包括:

  • 审查所有相关的书面陈述或报告;
  • 与指称受害人、指称加害人和其他证人面谈;
  • Reviewing applicable College records; and,
  • 审查其他有关材料和证据.

5) The Title IX Coordinator or designee will provide parties involved in the investigation with periodic updates while an investigation is pending, 符合家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)的限制.

6)调查结束时, the Title IX Coordinator or designee will make a determination regarding the report using a “preponderance of the evidence” standard (more likely than not that sexual violence or harassment occurred) and will provide the recommendation to the Vice President responsible for Student Affairs and the President.

7)在收到第九条协调员或其指定人员的建议后十(10)个工作日内, 副总统将向所谓的受害者发表书面声明, the alleged perpetrator and the Title IX Coordinator regarding the outcome of the investigation and a decision as to whether or not disciplinary proceedings will commence. 如果在调查结束后开始纪律处分程序, the College has an obligation to disclose the outcome of the disciplinary proceedings to the student who reports being the victim of sexual violence.

8)如果指称受害人和指称加害人同意副总统的决定, 该问题被视为已解决,任何一方都没有进一步的上诉权. 如指称受害人或指称加害人反对副主席的决定, 任何个人均可在七(7)个日历日内以书面形式向主席提出上诉. The President will review the matter and then issue his/her decision to; (a) affirm the Vice President’s decision; (b) refer the matter for further investigation; or, (c)将该事项提交纪律程序处理. 总统的决定将是最终决定.

注:第九条禁止对报告方和任何参与调查的个人进行报复. 学院不仅会采取措施防止报复,而且会在发生报复时采取强有力的回应行动. Resources and Assistance The Title IX Coordinator or Designee will have available contact and referral information for counseling/mental health services, 医疗服务, 执法, 司法救济/限制令, 以及教育资源, 并将与受害者和被指控的犯罪者共享资源信息. 援助方案包括, 大学无联系令, 学术变化, living, 交通和工作情况可作为保护受害人或证人的补救办法.